Yes, my auntie was present when had sex with the neighbours daughter, she sucked me first and then positioned my cock at the entrance to the girls pussy.
Yes, just over 2 years, and er my wonderful Auntie was instrumental in me having sex with a neighbours daughter as she understood my need to actually have my hard cock in a pussy.
Absolutely, I feel very lucky that my Auntie was as liberal as she was, I was even allowed to wear her nylons and girdles, at weekend when my Auntie didn't work cum was flying everywhere, she never got enough.
Absolutely love what you've typed about your Auntie, I had a bit of a thing with my Auntie in the mid 60s, we didn't have actual sex, however wanking, sucking and tit wanks, she simply loved cum and I was besotted with her.